Great Things with Great Tech!

Exploring Alternative Hypervisors with Apache CloudStack | GTwGT #82

Not a hypervisor, but a management platform with hooks into many virtualization stacks... #Apache CloudStack orchestrating #IaaS environments across cloud infrastructures including public, private, and hybrid setups, containers and more!

00:00 - Introduction
00:38 - What is Apache CloudStack?
01:12 - Introducing Rohit Yadav
01:44 - Apache CloudStack: From Origins to ASF Membership
02:01 - How Rohit Yadav Began with Apache CloudStack
03:12 - Early Days and Evolution of CloudStack
04:11 - The Founding Story of
05:16 - Strategic Moves and Open Source Licensing
06:03 - Citrix Acquisition and CloudStack's Growth
07:12 - Citrix's Strategy with CloudStack
08:18 - Challenges and Learning from Early CloudStack Implementations
09:09 - The Impact of Major Incidents on CloudStack Development
10:14 - CloudStack's Journey to a Trusted Platform
11:14 - Role and Influence of Community in CloudStack's Development
12:21 - Transitioning from Citrix to a Community-Driven Model
13:23 - Understanding the Apache Foundation's Impact on CloudStack
14:26 - The Democratization of CloudStack Development
15:29 - Strategic Shifts and Industry Participation Post-Citrix
16:32 - Key Features and Benefits of Using CloudStack
17:11 - Deep Dive into CloudStack's Capabilities and Support
18:14 - Who Benefits from Using CloudStack?
19:19 - Real-World Applications and Adoption Stories
20:24 - Discussion on Current Trends and VMware-Broadcom Scenario
21:15 - How CloudStack Stands Out in the Virtualization Space
22:19 - Differentiating CloudStack from Competitors like OpenStack
23:16 - CloudStack’s Turnkey Solution and Its Advantages
24:15 - Navigating Changes in the VMware Ecosystem with CloudStack
25:24 - Future Enhancements and Community Requests for CloudStack
26:19 - CloudStack’s Role in Modern IT Infrastructure
27:49 - Integration and Flexibility: CloudStack’s Core Strengths
28:54 - Importance of Kubernetes and Containers in CloudStack's Strategy
30:01 - Addressing the Growing Demand for Kubernetes Solutions
31:03 - The Role of APIs and Infrastructure as Code in CloudStack
32:11 - Advanced Use Cases and Future Technologies in CloudStack
33:12 - The Evolutionary Journey of CloudStack and Its Impact
34:46 - Closing Remarks and Future Outlook for CloudStack

Join us in Episode 82 of Great Things with Great Tech, featuring Rohit Yadav, VP of Engineering at Apache CloudStack. Rohit and I talk about the evolution of Apache CloudStack from its early days at to the Citrix acquisition, to donation to the Apache Cloud Foundation to now, becoming a key player in providing turnkey, scalable cloud solutions across various industries.

Apache CloudStack has matured into a robust cloud orchestration platform, enabling enterprises and service providers to efficiently manage large-scale cloud environments. With its comprehensive support for multiple hypervisors, seamless Kubernetes integration, and low total cost of ownership, CloudStack continues to be a pivotal force in the cloud computing sector.

Technology and Topics Mentioned:

Apache CloudStack
VMware, KVM, XenServer
Kubernetes Integration
CloudStack UI Enhancements
Terraform and Ansible
Multi-tenancy and High Availability
Open Source Licensing: GPL and Apache
Virtualization Technologies
Storage Solutions: NFS, Ceph, MinIO
Network Virtualization and MPLS Support
VMware and Broadcom Developments
Cloud Computing Platforms: OpenStack, OpenNebula

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☑️ Technology and Topics Mentioned: Truebit, Blockchain, Offchain Verification, Web 3.0, Decentralized Applications, Game Theory, AI, Supply Chain, Compliance.

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